A 30 year military man brought to the Emergency room with history alleged to have suffered from blast injury at the work place with right side of the scalp lacerated wound.

The patient was admitted and evaluated with CT brain and shows a well defined metal particle embedded in the right parietal region of the skull with bony fragments in to the cortex of brain with underlying brain contusion and peri-lesional edema.

The patient was taken up for right parietal craniotomy and removal of foreign metal particle and also the removal of bony fragment from the cortex under microscope with repair of duramater under general anaesthesia.

The inta- operative findings are a small 1.5 cm sized metal foreign body embedded in the parietal bone with bony particles scattered deep to parietal cortex. postoperative period was uneventful and the patient recovered well without any deficiets and the patient was discharged sucessfully.

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