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A 46-year-old was operated on for ethmoidal sinusitis with prior history of suspicious CSF leak. All the infected material was cleared off his sinuses successfully post-operation.
To use the navigation system, a Computer Tomography (CT) scan of the sinuses-the skull base of the patient is performed using a specific navigation protocol. CT scan is then transferred into a disc or USB, which is then uploaded into the image guidance system.
Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) is a challenging procedure for otolaryngologists and is the main surgical approach for treating chronic sinusitis, removing nasal polyps and opening up the passageways and also for skull base surgeries. To reach the source of the problem and ultimately remove it, surgeons must often remove several layers of cartilage and tissues.
To make FESS safer, surgeons at Amor hospitals often use HRS navigation systems navigation that registers a patient for his/her CT scan and track the position of the tools inside the patient. It is useful in complex and difficult surgeries in guiding towards the right place for removal of diseased tissues and avoids complications and damage to the surrounding tissues and critical structures like skull base, optic nerve etc allowing safer surgery. At Amor Hospitals navigation system is done at a nominal fee.